Welsh Dragon

Welsh Dragon
The dragon in the castle.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Some random musings

So far things are going well.
    I have seemed to finally figure out the washer/clothes dryer.  After asking the neighbor if laundry should indeed take that long, she replied that yes, its true it will take forever; which is promising since I can fit all of 3 towels in at a time.  So, moral of this is - do a bit of laundry every day before you are trapped in a huge pile that you cannot possibly dig out from.  I had always hoped to start doing this at home and now I hope that the habit will be well set before we get back.
     I have been walking into "the village" each day.  Whitchurch just recently became a Cardiff suburb (last 50 years or so, according to another neighbor) so many people here still refer to the main drag of shops and such as "the village".  I run my errands like going tot he Post office grocery shopping and such then. I realized just yesterday while Aaron and I were walking around that some things are exactly the opposite of home, besides the driving, of course.
    For example I discovered that buying bread at the bakery, produce at the green grocery, and meat at he butcher is cheaper than going to the big superstore.  The added benefit is that I can walk and get some exercise as well.  Another added perk is that I won't kill myself or anyone else while driving.  Thank god I bought the Keens before we left they are great for walking.  Oh, by the way, we seem to be having some technical difficulties uploading photos at the moment this should be corrected soon and I will add them in later.

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